- Brick House Farm 01 (small Fred Mabee and Aunt Miriam) [sitting on front step of Farm house]
Soldier driving wagon
St. Lukes Hospital, New York
Snapshot, small new building not yet painted, inscribed “Vada & Bill’s Lunch Room”, (Now the Hilltop Stop in Lansdowne.).
3 x 5 snapshot,2 men and 4 women (including Lydia Vanorman)
Cabinet card, large group of 9 young women in white with fancy hats, some with regalia ribbons, 6 men, a lake or river behind, unidentified
Colour snapshot of shoreline, pine trees and skiff, faded to yellow, stamped Kodacolor Dec 8, 1948.
? Hospital
J P Lamb post card of a picket fence and bee hives under trees, entitled “L D Spence/Charleston/ Ont. 1911”.